Student Government Gathers To Plan Events for School Year

In late August, Student Government embarked on its annual retreat. Over the course of four hours, the representatives met with Upper School Assistant Principal for Student Life Michael Woods and the Student Government faculty advisers, Upper School Librarian Stephanie Gamble and Upper School Science Teacher Julie Langenbrunner.

During the retreat, teachers and representatives discussed plans for the upcoming school year, as well as the responsibilities of the representatives.

“It was a great opportunity to meet with Mr. Woods to review our values and purpose as an organization and begin organizing for all that we had planned for the school year,” wrote Nate Weinstock, a senior representative. “While it is sometimes difficult to get face time with Mr. Woods during the chaos of the school year, the retreat gave us ample time to propose policies and discuss new ideas with direct feedback from the administration,” he continued.

Gamble looks forward to her first year as a faculty adviser. She cannot wait to see how the student representatives lead the community and reconnect to student traditions.

“This year, we’ve made plans for lots of dances. We’re really excited for those and the Quaker Days,” said Anya Capoor, a junior representative.

Students are also looking forward to activities brought to a halt during the pandemic and the energy that a new school year brings.

“We discussed school dances, Quaker Day plans, advisory competitions, and senior slogans. Another important aspect of the retreat was that we designated committee assignments to each representative, placing four or so students onto each committee (social, academic, policy, and [administration and faculty]),” Weinstock wrote.

Besides the return of traditions, Student Government is also planning other events for Upper School students to enjoy.

One such example is Homecoming on Oct. 15, which will be filled with even more fun activities this year. Representatives are also looking to add new events like a winter dance and intend to work closely with the Friends Athletic Nation and the Student Association of School Spirit.

Overall, Student Government most looks forward to developing a tighter, stronger community.

“We are optimistic for this year because all of us are working really hard to bring back fun and tradition to Sidwell,” said Harlan Katyal, a junior representative. “Through activities and excitement, we will make the Sidwell friends community closer,” he added.