Despite the mix of emotions many students in the Class of 2023 are experiencing, they look forward to their final year at Sidwell.
Senior Nate Weinstock is excited for his last year in the Upper School.
“This is the first year of high school where I know what to expect going in,” he explained, referring to the additional challenges and uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Weinstock looks forward to enjoying senior traditions, such as decorating the school, senior skip day and choosing the class slogan.
Senior Zoe Verma is also eager to participate in Sidwell’s senior customs, such as the senior sunrise, the first day of school, the senior Meeting for Worship and Homecoming.
“There will be a lot of truly amazing moments with my class where we will come closer together,” she said.
Senior Michael Razavi is excited to see friends and participate in senior traditions, but also shared that he is “saddened that it will be [his] last year at Sidwell.”
Similarly, senior Nathan Joseph is eager to take new classes, finish college applications and spend time with friends. While Joseph acknowledges that being a senior will entail more stress and responsibility, he is confident that it will also be more fun.
Students in the Class of 2023 have also contemplated their roles as seniors.
Weinstock finds that being a senior means becoming a leader in the school.
“It is the job of the senior class to set an example for everyone else by being active in school activities, supporting our sports teams, and bringing positive energy to the school,” Weinstock wrote.
Razavi strives to help underclassmen this upcoming year as older students have done for him in the past.
Assistant Upper School Principal for Academic Affairs Robert Gross praised the seniors for their leadership.
“I think the seniors are ready and excited to lead and come together as a class. They are a spirited, close-knit group,” he said.